Are online eye tests any good?
Have you considered getting online eye tests? The idea of being able to get an eyeglass prescription and buy glasses without a trip to the eye doctor may sound appealing. Before ditching the traditional eye exams, there are a few things you need to know! Online Eye...
Eye Floaters, Flashers, and Spots
Eye doctors often get asked about small specs that appear to float through someone’s field of vision. Even very young people may notice on occasion a spot that appears when they look at a light, plain surface. The good news is that there is no reason to be alarmed!...
How to Clean Your Eyeglasses
If eye care professionals cringe when they see you clean your glasses, and your lenses don’t last long before they are scratched, then it’s probably time to update your eyeglass cleaning habits! To make sure your lenses stay clear and crisp as long as possible, follow...
Contact Lenses – Can Contacts Cause Headaches?
Patients sometimes worry that trying contact lenses will be uncomfortable, or even cause headaches. This may be because they’ve known someone who had a bad experience with contact lenses, because the idea sounds uncomfortable to them, or because they tried contacts in...
Kids and Computer Vision Syndrome
Most of us remember being told not to sit too close to the TV because it would ruin our vision. Well, that may have been an exaggeration of the actual dangers of sitting too near a tube television, but new risks are at play when it comes to electronic screens and the...
Corrective Eye Surgery Basics
Corrective eye surgery can address a number of eye problems. Most people have heard of laser eye surgery to eliminate the need for prescription glasses. As the procedure has gotten easier and less expensive, more people are opting for things like LASIK and telling...
FAQ: Can Flex Spending Save Me Money?
Flex spending might be one of the best benefits that many employees receive, yet they don’t know about the savings! If you have flex spending benefits, or aren’t sure if they are available to you, talk to your employer. You may be missing out on savings that could be...
What is Colorblindness?
Colorblindness is an interesting thing to most people because we wonder what it must be like to not distinguish some colors—a function of vision that we take for granted. Most people can live with colorblindness because it is present as soon as they are born and many...
How to Pick Eyewear for Your Child
Picking eyewear for your child can be stressful. There are many options for lenses and additional features to make lenses better suited for the wearer’s needs. Children often want to be involved in the decision, but it’s ultimately up to the parent to be sure that...
How to Choose Your Eyeglass Lenses
Eyeglass lens options have grown incredibly in the last several decades. Whereas early eyeglass lenses were made from glass, advancements in lens materials have made them safer, thinner, lighter, and featuring benefits that early inventors never could have imagined!...